Saturday, April 20, 2019 – 11:00 AM – LEAVE PLENTY OF TIME TO FIND US!
Rain or shine, but the post-race exhibition may be canceled
This is a Cambridge Science Festival Event, a 4/10 mile race of wheeled arts and crafts on the loopy sidewalks around the Olympic soccer field at Danehy Park in northwest Cambridge (near Alewife), followed by an exhibition of works until 2 PM. The race is followed by an exhibition of works lasting until 2 PM. There will be an artist/engineer design table at the exhibition where fans of all ages can contribute a conceptual design for a racing sculpture.
Here’s a link to more information about entering.
Here are images of 2017’s race.
Here are images of the first, 2016, race.
Racecourse at Danehy Park. Green marker in the earthview view above is the location of starting (and ending) line. The exhibition area in on the hill to immediately to the northwest of the marker (on the course).
Where is Danehy Park?
Danehy Park is at the top left. It is an easy lope from Alewife T Station (16 minutes). We suggest parking in the Field Street lot to the S.W. of the park. (Parking is available from New Street to the west of the park, but that lot fills up fast on Saturdays.) Fresh Pond Mall’s parking lot is also close. (The green marker in the map view above doesn’t mean anything.)
Walking Distances
Alewife T: 16 minutes
Porter Square: 22 minutes
Davis Square: 24 minutes