Introducing the jurors for the June 1 2019 River Festival race: John Weidman, Mags Harries, and Reid Drum.

John Weidman in the Andres Institute’s workshop.
John Weidman is one of the original members of the World Sculpture Racing Society, a working sculptor, and the co-founder and director of the Andres Institute of Art and Sculpture Garden in Brookline, NH. The sculpture garden, which magically covers a small mountain, is the largest in New England. John’s website.

Water Sports (1980s). John has created and raced metal and stone sculptures, including possibly the heaviest piece ever raced. Some of the best works finish last! (G. Koetsch image)

Mags Harries was a juror in the inaugural 2015 race. Here she is (leftmost) with Laura Knott and Nick Capasso reviewing entries.
Mags Harries’ public art projects have received national recognition and won many awards. Her early projects Asaroton and Glove Cycle have become icons of the Boston area. Many of her temporary projects involve community participation and social action, including: Winding Down the Charles, Speed of Light, and One Legged Table. She is an active member of the Boston Sculpture Gallery and teaches at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts. Mags was a juror for our premiere River Festival race in June 2015 Mags’ website.

Reid Drum is a faculty member of MassArt, and runs its industrial-scale, 11,000 s.f. foundry. He is a kinetic artist, and teaches classes in kinetic art, the design and construction of metal sculpture, and general 3D art.