2019 River Festival Call
- NEW Application/Design due date: Sunday, March 24, midnight.
- Jurors’ announcement: Within a week of the design deadline
- Raceday: Saturday, June 1, 2019
The Event
This is a ¾ mile juried race of pushed, pulled, or pedaled sculpture with a following daylong exhibition at the Cambridge Arts River Festival. The festival is an annual celebration with 150,000–200,000 festival-goers. Participants have the opportunity to join in a spectacular, well-attended event, and exhibit their work publicly on Race Day and on the PSR site, and become part of the sculpture racing community.
The Exhibition site will be at Carl F. Barron Plaza in Central Square, and the racecourse will run for most of its length along Massachusetts Ave.

How to Enter
Email proposals, title, images of proposed and past work, short bio, contact info by March 24 to sculptureracing@gmail.com. Jurying takes place early the following week. The three jurors–Reid Drum, kinetic artist in the 3D Department at Mass Art and two other jurors TBA–will judge work on the basis of quality, originality, fidelity to guidelines, practicality, & entrants’ demonstrated capacity to complete the project. Notifications within a week. Works need not be completed until RACEDAY.