The June 4 sculpture race was wildly successful at its site along Cambridge Parkway this year.
Daniel Rosenberg took first prize with Hatching, a multi-layered geometric form comprised of interlocking cardboard pieces. Daniel came in last place last year as a crew member of the square-wheeled Sisyphus sculpture. Try, try, and try…you succeed at last!

1st Place: Hatching blazes towards the finish line
Second place was taken by two John Weidman sculptures from the original World Sculpture Racing Society races in the 1980s. Weidman’s stone and metal pieces, Push and Red-Breasted Sunbather, arrived in a dead heat. Push was piloted by James Herold, who won first place last year with another legacy piece, William Wainwright’s Wheel #2.

Tied for 2d Place: Red-Breasted Sunbather thunders toward the finish

Tied for 2d Place. Twins do their best to budge the cantankerous Push at the Exhibition.
Third place went to Seismic Cartographer, an entry by B.U.’s Time-Based Sculpture Class, a piece which dripped colored water–from ice cubes!–onto paper moving along rollers driven by the wheels’ turns. The class was taught by PSR team member Dennis Svoronos.

3rd Place: Seismic Cartographer. Flag-bearer runs ahead to clear pedestrians from the way
More photos and stories to come!

Scene from the Exhibition following the race
Images by C. Herold